Name: Deborah
Age: 22
Studied: Accounting and Finance Graduate (Class of 2015)
I'm currently working as a Payroll Accounting Assistant
I'm the co-founder of RBS and I am glad I obeyed the vision. RBS for me has been about being a part of a group of friends that are not ashamed to tell you the truth and correct you when you're going wrong (Iron sharpens iron). It's been about learning the Word so deeply and increasing knowledge so that you're aware and growing spiritually. This is a family that I'm proud to still be a part of- even though I'm longer a Cardiff student, I don't wanna miss out on the great things He's doing in this group! #ThisIsLegacy
Church I attended whilst in Cardiff
RCCG Kingdom of God Parish
Mackintosh Sports and Community Centre
38 Keppoch St
CF24 3JW